It's been a week since the last post and I've been searching for a way to promote those moving the needle forward instead of harping on all the negative emotions some are still navigating through. Little did I know that the idea I was in search of I had already jotted in my notes a year and a half prior.

There it is, sandwiched between my snack list and some other random ideas that pop into my head to later google. And yes, paint that resists spray paint is really a thing - it's just really expensive.
That's not the idea I'm referencing here. I'm talking about the Ella Ambassador note from March 18th. The one with no additional text because apparently I didn't need any. My idea was to find a way to create an Ella Ambassador program to promote the ideas that Ella shares within her stories...a way to recognize children and adults who were adding good to the world and creating infinite ripples that would spread to others.
So Monday night, November 14, 2016, when I was in full illustration mode, I was interrupted with memories of this Ella Ambassador idea and I got to work.
More details will be arriving soon, but I'm going to need your help to get this idea off the ground. Let's inspire each other to continue to make this land a great place for future generations, regardless of how different or "other" they might be. After all, other is still human and no less worthy of respect because of how they entered or navigate this world.
Keep an eye out for those additional details...

C.L. Fails