The weather is cooling down, somewhere. There's a change in season upon us. The onset of sweater weather always reminds me of the time when writing the most nonsensical stories was more fun than tetherball on a windy day - elementary school. Falling leaves, crisp air, and the smell of warm pie awakens my inner-child, spurs my creativity into high gear, and prompts me to write. Believe me there's much to tackle this autumn!
Great news for LaunchCrate readers, there's a new Ella book in the works. The sequel to The Christmas Cookie should be out this year. We're working on the series structure for The Secret World of Raine the Brain, and BONUS, soon we'll be introducing a new series of books based on lessons learned from my Dad.
In addition to that, there are some memoirs from new LaunchCrate authors in the works that will be coming to a store near you soon. My creative mind will be getting its exercise which is long overdue.
I'm ready to pour some warm cider, put on some cabin socks and get to work!
What are you most looking forward to during this autumn season?